DrupalCon Prague September 20-23, 2022
Chris Wells and I (Leslie Glynn) arrived in Prague, Czech Republic today. We are looking forward to connecting with members of the Drupal Community this week, meeting new folks and working with other contributors to move the Project Browser Initiative forward.
Project Browser
For those of you who may not know what the Project Browser initiative is about, here’s part of what Dries said in the DrupalCon Portland 2022 Driesnote:
“want to be able to discover great modules from within Drupal, without having to go to Drupal.org and install those modules with a click of a button“ - Dries

Schedule for the week:
If you are in Prague we look forward to seeing you at these events featuring the Project Browser Strategic Initiative:
- Tuesday
- I will be presenting with other Initiative Leads at the Drupal Initiative Leads Keynote at 1:30 CEST
- Chris and I will be leading Usability and Listening Sessions on the current Beta version of the Project Browser
- Usability Testing Project Browser 1 at 15:00 CEST
- Usability Testing Project Browser 2 at 16:15 CEST
- Wednesday
- Come hear about the Project Browser Initiative from Dries during the keynote
- Driesnote at 8:45 CEST
- Chris and I will be presenting a session on the Project Bowser
- Project Browser Initiative: Where we’re at at 10:30 CEST
- We will be leading a BoF (small group discussion) on improving the Project pages on Drupal.org
- Project Browser: Re-evaluate Drupal.org Project Pages at 15:00 CEST
- Come hear about the Project Browser Initiative from Dries during the keynote
- Thursday
- We will be leading a BoF (small group discussion) on improving the Categories assigned to Projects on Drupal.org
- Project Browser Initiative - Let’s Discuss Categories at 15:00 CEST
- We will be leading a BoF (small group discussion) on improving the Categories assigned to Projects on Drupal.org
- Friday
- Chris will be in the General Contribution room from 9:00-17:00 CEST
- I will be in the Mentored Contribution room from 9:00-17:00 CEST
- All Week:
- Chris will be in the General Contribution room and I will be stopping by to help folks when we are not taking part in the activities above.

After DrupalCon:
For those of you who will not be in Prague, we would like to see you online and at our weekly meetings
- Join #project-browser on Drupal slack
- Join the Project Browser Site Builder Subcommittee Meetings on Tuesdays at 4:00pm ET (in the #project-browser channel)
- Join the Project Browser Site General Meetings on Wednesdays at 10:00am ET (in the #project-browser channel)
Thanks to all the contributors:
Thanks to all of the folks who have contributed to the initiative so far and to everyone who decides to join the team.