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Basics of React Native: Part 1

Redfin Solutions started using React Native in early June when a client needed an app that could integrate with their Drupal website. Since it was our first project with React Native, we recorded useful information to share with the rest of the team. This is the first in a series of three blog posts that will cover what we learned and what we found the most useful while using React Native.


Expo & React Native CLI

There are two main framework options for building a React Native app: React Native CLI and Expo.

React Native CLI is the option most people from a native app development background choose because it trades a streamlined workflow for the ability to add native modules written in Java or Objective-C.

Expo is easier for people from a web development background because it provides a streamlined workflow to those who don’t need to link native modules to their app. It comes with integrated libraries, a client app for development, and it doesn’t require Android Studio or XCode to build the project for Android and iOS separately. With a signing key, Expo handles the building process. This speeds up the development process and frees up time to spend on new features for the app.



The React Native design philosophy separates each screen into a hierarchy of components. At the lowest level are simple components like <Text>. Larger components are constructed out of other smaller components. They can also be designed as a specific case of another component. For example, it may be simpler to create a <HelloWorld> component that is a more specific version of the <Text> component if you are repeatedly creating <Text>Hello World!</Text>components. 


Props & State

Every component has two stores of data that contain information about itself, props and state. Props are the parameters of a component. It is primarily set when the component is created. For example, the URL of an image component is passed in when it’s created and stored in props. 

Conversely, state is used to store data that changes. When state changes, the component is re-rendered to show the change. For example, the current value of a volume slider might be stored in state.



JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that comes with React Native. It is a simple way to express how the React Native components should be rendered into elements on the screen. JSX is intuitive because it functions within React Native that same way HTML functions in a webpage. Take a look at this JSX for putting text and an image on a screen:

<View> <Text> Hello World! </Text> <Image source={require('../assets/images/hello.png')} /> </View>


Lifecycle API

Every component follows a lifecycle API. This is a set of methods that React Native calls during certain events in a component’s life. The only required method, besides the constructor of a component, is the render() method, which expresses how to render the component on the screen by returning React elements that are usually defined by JSX. 



Styling in React Native is similar to CSS. Every component can be styled with a StyleSheet prop, which is a set of CSS-style selectors passed inside of a JavaScript object. They even support Flexbox. For example: 

const styles = StyleSheet.create({ header: { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 30, }, });

And when you want to apply it to a component: <Text style={styles.header}> Hello World! </Text>

To see all the style options available, check out the documentation for each component. 


React Navigation

It is easier to start app designs at navigation by planning out what each screen will contain and how to navigate between them. This top-down approach prevents context switching between screens while writing. 

React Navigation, one of Expo’s integrated libraries, provides tools for creating a navigation system within React Native. Choose the ‘tabs’ option when initializing the project, and Expo will build a simple navigation system.

A StackNavigator is a good way to control screens because it allows them to remain concurrent when swapping between different screens. Each screen will retain its information.

To learn more about technical details check out the React-Navigation Docs.


Building Screens

To create a simple, static screen, you don’t need many moving parts because React Native provides robust components for these already. For example, components like <ScrollView><Image><Text>, and <Linking> can do most of the lifting on a page that only has to display information and images. A simple screen might look like this:

import React from 'react'; import { ScrollView, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; export default function HamsterScreen() { return ( <ScrollView style={styles.container}> <Text> Your mother is a hamster! </Text> <Image source={require('../assets/images/hamster.png')} /> </ScrollView> ); } HamsterScreen.navigationOptions = { title: 'Hamster', }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, paddingTop: 15, backgroundColor: '#fff', }, });

This is just the beginning of learning how to use React Native. Keep an eye out for our upcoming blog post about using React Native with Drupal. In the mean time, watch Designing an App with Drupal and React Native, a Design 4 Drupal session presented by our summer intern developer, Jacob Morin.